Tuesday, May 5, 2009

midterm question 2

1) Research 1 the Philippine company and 1 international company that have employee e-commerce?


2) Describe how e-commerce operates in this companies?

the e-commerce operates in this company by1. Providing an easy and secure way for customers to order. Credit cards are the most popular means of sending payments on the internet, accounting for 90% of online purchases. Card numbers are transferred securely between the customer and merchant through independent payment gateways.
2. Providing reliability and security. Parallel servers, hardware redundancy, fail-safe technology, information encryption, and firewalls can enhance this requirement.
3. Providing a 360-degree view of the customer relationship, defined as ensuring that all employees, suppliers, and partners have a complete view, and the same view, of the customer. However, customers may not appreciate the big brother experience.

3) Identify the benefits/constraint/derived by these company from e- commerce

the benefits derive by these company from e-commerce are improved customer services, improve the relartionship with supplier and the financial community and increased return an stockholder and owner investment, in addition by using the ecommerce their customer are satisfied their services by order the raw materials from them or finished product in our country and other country and because of that they transact easy by selling the product through internet.


arthon g.

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