Sunday, April 19, 2009

prelim 2

an organization may adopt a closed system model answer to the following:

1) discuss the pro's and con's of each model?
= the closed-system model is easier to design and initially costs less to implement, closed systems have greater reliability on single vendors and more reliance on specific applications and technologies.
Although the worldwide trend is to follow an open-system architecture, there are still tradeoffs in following a standard protocol when developing interfaces. For instance, a greater initial investment is required. Time and money must be spent to understand the standard and create the infrastructure required to support the standard, such as a parsing framework and networking code.
However, the benefits are abundant. For example, it will be easier to answer user requirements because HL7 is considered the standard for exchanging data between healthcare systems. In addition, because HL7 is the standard, it will be easier to create a system that can interface with an open system now and in the future.

2) cite a company that use any of this model. described briefly how this chosen model affect the entire company?
= jollibee, for example in computer it easy for them to process the transaction especially to the customers to give the best services and satisfaction of the product that they offered. in addition it advance to get the information what is the latest issue about the company or about the environment, and less time consume for the workers for example if they gathered data or making the daily inventory so that it easy for them to operate the business transaction.

3) evaluate how an environment affect the 0rganization and its management?
=the information that gahered outside the organization is very important because they can't success the organization without the information from the other sources.

cite your reference

arthon gantongan

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