Monday, April 27, 2009

midterm question 1

Question 1

MNC's are complex organizations however, they dominate the worldwide market. Knowing the background and nature of MNC's, answer the following:

1. Identify the benefits and disadvantages of MNC's.


Multinational companies do bring some benefits to developing countries. They provide jobs and increase the wealth of the local people. The country gains some wealth by way of taxes.Their market would be much bigger, more sales.Take advanMultinationals have played an important role in globalization. Countries and sometimes subnational regions must compete against one another for the establishment of MNC facilities, and the subsequent tax revenue, employment, and economic activity. To compete, countries and regional political districts offer incentives to MNCs such as tax breaks, pledges of governmental assistance or improved infrastructure, or lax environmental and labor standards. This process of becoming more attractive to foreign investment can be characterized as a race to the bottom, a push towards greater freedom for corporate bodies, or both.

2. Identify one MNC company and describe its operation.


Jollibee, Jollibee is an American-style fast-food restaurant with Filipino-influenced dishes specializing in burgers, spaghetti, chicken and some local Filipino dishes. Currently the biggest fast-food chain in the country, it also has locations in the United States, Saudi Arabia, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Dubai and Brunei. Jollibee is also the name of their mascot, a large bee in a blazer, shirt and chef's hat. they offered a franchise for those who want to be grow with there and for the franchiser they less time and the business is stable in economic aspect and they gained more profits.

3. Describe how the parent control/coordinates with its subsidiaries in other countries or region.


the parents control/coordinates with subsidiaries in other country or region by monitoring if the business is profitable or stable and they assured that all the franchiser they buy the product from the mother company and also they contributing in the advertisement by minimizing their expense in promotional activities because of their many branches or franchising the food chain.
4. How is IT maximized or used by this MNC?


the Information technology is maximizing using by the MNC because every transaction in the different country and region are monitored by the mother company to know the everyday transaction that happen in the daily operation and to know what is the latest trends in the market, and to monitored if the branches in that particular region and country are gaining profits or they need another supply for the firm.

5. WHat were the weaknesses/problems encountered by this MNC from its environment and global Multinational companies pay taxes to the country in which they earn the money.etup?

the weaknesses of the Multinational Company are the environment if that place they choose is good or not, for example in Iraq do you think if you put the business in that country you gain profit because of their economic condition? it so hard to put up in the area that their economic condition are not stable. in addition the problem of the MNC for example may pursue policies that are home country-oriented, the mother firm cannot exercise any managerial control,However, there are some problems as well. The jobs are often low-skilled and poorly paid. Much of the profit will go out of the country, and the company may pull out to relocate in a country where it can make a greater profit. Multinational companies are primarily interested in making profits for their shareholders. Paying wages is an expense that the company will try to reduce to as low a level as possible.

Cite your reference:

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Prelim 4

Ethics is relevant regardless of the type of organization and style of management. It is by this ethics that legal and moral laws are established. IT is not at all excluded from this.Answer then the following.

1. List down the ethics for computer usage.
a) use the computer in office hours.
b) do not use computer to your relatives.
c) do not waste time for making non sense.
d) do not use the computer if not important for the business operation.

2. WHat common forms of ethic violations happen in the internet and in the organization?


the common forms of ethic violation happen in the internet and in the organization are playing the games, watching porn or chatting to your friend and doing nothing, in addition not making your responsibilty in your task or objectives of your organization.

3. How does ethics affect the decision making of managers?
ethics affect the decission making of managers because ethics are kind of like morals and common sense. it is what you think is right or wrong. in addition for every decission of managers they concern for the bitterness of the company to gain profit and to resolve the problem inside the organization but not all thier decission are right so that the ethics can affect for every decission of managers.

4. Cite a company which experienced legal or social conflicts because of its violation of ethics. You may check as example the problem of pre-need insurance companies in the Philippines.

a. Describe briefly the nature of the problem?
PHIL AM LIFE philippines, the problem of the company is the financial crisis in USA that affected the whole nation especially the philippines.
b. How was this resolved?
it resolve the problem by the government of the USA by funding 900 billion dollars for the financial crises.
c. Who were affected?
all the nation, and to all the plan holder of the Phil am life insurance company.
d. What were the damages?Cite your reference.
the plan holder are punic because of the news of financial forecasting or the standing of the company.

arthon gantongan

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Prelim 3

A company has basically four (4) levels of organizational hierarchy and each level makes use of unique IT technology and software to address and/or support their works.

Answer then the following:

1. Identify and describe information systems (IS) used in each level
Transaction processing systems: These record and track an organization's transactions, such as sales transactions or inventory items, from the moment each is first created until it leaves the system. This helps managers at the day-to-day operational level keep track of daily transactions as well as make decisions on when to place orders, make shipments, and so on.
Management information and reporting systems: These systems provide mid-level and senior managers with periodic, often summarized, reports that help them assess performance (e.g., a particular region's sales performance in a given time period) and make appropriate decisions based on that information.
Decision support systems: These systems are designed to help mid-level and senior managers make those difficult decisions about which not every relevant parameter is known. These decisions, referred to as semi structured decisions, are characteristic of the types of decisions made at the higher levels of management. A decision on whether or not to introduce a particular (brand new) product into an organization's product line is an example of a semi structured decision. Another example is the decision on whether or not to open a branch in a foreign country. Some of the parameters that go into the making of these decisions are known. However, there are also many unknown factors—hence the "semi structuredness" of these decisions. The value of a decision support system (DSS) is in its ability to permit "what-if" analyses (e.g., What if interest rates rose by 2 percent? What if our main competitor lowered its price by 5 percent? What if import tariffs are imposed/increased in the foreign country in which we do, or plan to do, business?). That is, a DSS helps the user (decision maker) to model and analyze different scenarios in order to arrive at a final, reasonable decision, based on the analysis. There are decision support systems that help groups (as opposed to individuals) to make consensus-based decisions. These are known as group decision support systems (GDSS).
A type of decision support system that is geared primarily toward high-level senior managers is the executive information system (EIS) or executive support system (ESS). While this has the capability to do very detailed analyses, just like a regular DSS, it is designed primarily to help executives keep track of a few selected items that are critical to their day-to-day high-level decisions. Examples of such items include performance trends for selected product or customer groups, interest rate yields, and the market performance of major competitors.
Expert systems: An expert system is built by modeling into the computer the thought processes and decision-making heuristics of a recognized expert in a particular field. Thus, this type of information system is theoretically capable of making decisions for a user, based on input received from the user. However, due to the complex and uncertain nature of most business decision environments, expert system technology has traditionally been used in these environments primarily like decision support systems—that is, to help a human decision maker arrive at a reasonable decision, rather than to actually make the decision for the user.

2. How do these IS help the employees and managers achieve their
Organizations succeed when they continuously nourish the top performers and improve (or weed out) the poor performers. The big challenges of following this strategy are identifying the real performers, provide a competitive compensation to retain & motivate them and improve employee skills & competencies to maintain the business competitiveness. EmpXtrack Performance Management System can help you meet these big challenges of improving employee performance.EmpXtrack Performance Management System is an integrated web-based tool to improve organizational performance by setting SMART Goals for employee, evaluating employee performance, recommending highly competitive compensation plans, managing employee trainings & development and promoting right employees to critical positions.Based on globally followed HR practices and principles, this performance management system provides right tools to engage employees in productive work, help employee achieve their goals, bring objectivity & transparency in employee evaluations, manage employee trainings, manage employee compensations, promotion and careers. and giving the information to the employee and managers are very important because it thier guide how to operate and what they strategy to achieve thier goals or objectives.

arthon gantongan

3. Cite a local or national company that makes use of these IS and identify the benefits and drawbacks/lapses of these IS.

Philippine Airlines company, because of this information system the company well easy to operate the day to day operation, fast and effecient services to the customers, increase thier revenue, easy to communicate in different branches by using internet or IS.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

prelim 2

an organization may adopt a closed system model answer to the following:

1) discuss the pro's and con's of each model?
= the closed-system model is easier to design and initially costs less to implement, closed systems have greater reliability on single vendors and more reliance on specific applications and technologies.
Although the worldwide trend is to follow an open-system architecture, there are still tradeoffs in following a standard protocol when developing interfaces. For instance, a greater initial investment is required. Time and money must be spent to understand the standard and create the infrastructure required to support the standard, such as a parsing framework and networking code.
However, the benefits are abundant. For example, it will be easier to answer user requirements because HL7 is considered the standard for exchanging data between healthcare systems. In addition, because HL7 is the standard, it will be easier to create a system that can interface with an open system now and in the future.

2) cite a company that use any of this model. described briefly how this chosen model affect the entire company?
= jollibee, for example in computer it easy for them to process the transaction especially to the customers to give the best services and satisfaction of the product that they offered. in addition it advance to get the information what is the latest issue about the company or about the environment, and less time consume for the workers for example if they gathered data or making the daily inventory so that it easy for them to operate the business transaction.

3) evaluate how an environment affect the 0rganization and its management?
=the information that gahered outside the organization is very important because they can't success the organization without the information from the other sources.

cite your reference

arthon gantongan

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

prelim question 1

Question # 1

1) how do you perceive information as a resource of a company?

ans: if I'm the the resource of the company im using the internet to give the information to the company what is the latest news about the nature of the business and also from the magazine, friends, family that help giving information to the contribution of the succeed of the business.

2) Cite a company, its nature, describe how the information from its environment improve its mgt. and business as a whole?

ans: Jollibee, food chain. the jollibee is own by the pilipino it base in the philippines ,but it is the american food chain style they boom because of their effective advertising not only for kid but also for adults.

arthon gantongan